ACB Focus: Technology
American Council of the Blind, Inc.

20230704 1730 StellarTrek

Originally Broadcasted July 4, 2023, on ACB Media

September 1, 2023

20230704 1730 StellarTrek Originally Broadcasted July 4, 2023, on ACB Media Participants took a journey with HumanWare as they learned about what's new with the StellarTrek. This presentation showcased what's new with this compact GPS and text-reading device. StellarTrek can help you navigate your environment, from reading addresses on doors, to signs on businesses, text has never been this easy to find. You can follow a route in real-time, or browse the world virtually from wherever you are. Getting lost is a thing of the past, as you can map any area- on the street grid, or in an open area, and StellarTrek will guide you to where you want to be. Building on these features, we've added a barcode reader, and color recognition to the StellarTrek's capabilities, with more to come! Edited By:  Doug Hunsinger